First Time Dog Owner

Discover the unique joys and surprises of embracing an adult canine companion, witnessing the charming blend of maturity and the enduring spirit of puppyhood.

One of my favourite books on the does & don’t’s when you get a new dog home, is Michele Welton’s “Respect Training”; available on kindle. It is more about how to build a strong foundation for clear communication with your dog. While obedience training is crucial with a new dog, it is also important to set the rules of your home. This book is a great resource for first time dog owners and a refresher, if you are adopting a dog after a long gap.

Having had a reactive dog in the past, I also learnt a lot from the mistakes we made with him. Too much freedom too soon and not correcting bad behaviour. A lot of how our dog’s respond are mostly be related to how we react to them. And being a first time dog owner with a reactive dog was very challenging. Hence we got a professional canine behaviourist involved.

Tips & resources for first time dog owners

House breaking a dog is a balance of rules, routine,  and consistency.

Adopting a dog with energies that match your own energies, makes the transition to dog ownership a lot easier. 

A professionally run dog shelter, will assist you make the best judgement for the dog and you. To name a few in Bangalore there’s Second Chance Sanctuary India and CUPA Second Chance Adoption Centre.

What a dog needs most from it’s owner is direction, firmness and calm energies. And preparation is always key before you get a new dog

Happy mutt… happy hut!


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